Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heroes Defending Social Security

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced legislation Tuesday that would safeguard Social Security, the most successful and reliable federal program in our nation's history. Sanders' legislation would require Congress to muster extraordinary majorities if it intended to approve any reduction in Social Security benefits. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) will introduce the legislation in the House.

Sen. Sanders was joined by U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), along with Rep. Weiner at a Capitol Hill press conference yesterday to rally support for Sanders' proposal to protect Social Security. Here stands some of the few US politicians that aren't bought. This group demonstrates why we need campaign finance reform. We need more politicians who listen to the people, like these heroes.

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