Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ferraro's Legacy vs Palin's Celebrity

August 26, 1935-March 26, 2011

U.S. political icon Geraldine Ferraro, the first female vice presidential candidate to run on a major political ticket, has died at age 75 after a long battle with cancer, her family said Saturday. Ferraro made history when Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale pick her to be his running mate in the 1984, in an election that president Ronald Reagan, a Republican running for re-election, unfortunately won. Her family released a statement saying Ferraro "was widely known as a leader, a fighter for justice, and a tireless advocate for those without a voice," "Her courage and generosity of spirit throughout her life waging battles big and small, public and personal, will never be forgotten and will be sorely missed."

According to Wikipedia: 
While in Congress, Ferraro focused much of her legislative attention on equity for women in the areas of wages, pensions, and retirement plans. She was a co-sponsor of the 1981 Economic Equity Act On the House Select Committee on Aging, where she concentrated on the problems of elderly women. In 1984, she championed a pension equity law revision that would improve the benefits of people who left work for long periods of time and then returned, a typical case for women with families.
While Ferraro's pro-choice views conflicted with those of many of her constituents as well as the Catholic Church to which she belonged, her positions on other social and foreign policy issues were in alignment with the district.
For her six years in Congress, Ferraro had an average 78 percent "Liberal Quotient" from Americans for Democratic Action and an average 8 percent rating from the American Conservative Union (woohoo). The AFL-CIO's Committee on Political Education gave her an average approval rating of 91 percent.

On now onto someone who's not even good enough to be considered the other side of the coin. Here's a view from "main street" in India on Sarah Palin and her recent visit to their country. Most weren't impressed.  The one guy who "heard she's really smart" made me laugh...a young guy...go figure!  Here's the thing that is somewhat worrisome.  She is masquerading around the world as an American diplomat.  She's an embarrassment to this country and should be treated as such. No wonder the rest of the world looks at us as idiots.  Bush got a second term and this bimbo's running around the globe talking out of her ass.  I do wonder who is paying for this trip, because you know she's not.  The Palin's are frauds.

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