Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CW Roberts Says Hay is for --- Oil?

I love this idea, but I'll bet it won't be tried on a large scale because it's not going to be taken seriously. A Florida contracting company with a simple "green" idea will not overcome the greedy people making a ton of money off the BP oil spill. The chemical companies and oil barrier companies will be upset and we can't have that. I'm still confused as to why the chemicals in the ocean are any better than the oil either. Out of sight, out of mind? Why not give it a try? Nothing else is working. Sometimes the simplest solutions make the most sense. Call me cynical, but the chemical companies are probably fighting the idea. $$$

CW Roberts employees demonstrating the use of hay to assist in a defense against the oil spill in the Gulf. This is the method that is included in the Walton County Plan of Action.

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