The fact that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab failed in his attempt and was overtaken by passengers and crew will go largely unreported or used merely as a side note. The Wingnuts will exclaim what could have happened, making their minions feel that it did happen. They are going to focus on how to tie an Obama failure to this. Could it have been a disaster? Of course it could’ve been. Fortunately it wasn’t and reviews and changes to U.S. bound planes are already underway. It’s not like Obama changed any airline safety rules that Bush had in place that could’ve increased the likelihood of this attempt. Yes, things were missed; generally suspicion occurs when someone pays cash for a ticket and boards without luggage. The fact that the would-be bomber's father, a Nigerian banker had written to the US embassy to tell them his son had become radicalized should’ve immediately led Abdulmutallab to the no fly list. However, it must be noted that this plane did not originate on U.S. soil. It originated in Nigeria with a stop in Amsterdam and on to Detroit. Blaming Obama or any other U.S. official is nonsense.
The political grandstanding of Republicans knows no boundaries. Hoekstra is also ranting how “This administration has totally clamped down on information-sharing with Congress”. He’s upset and is claiming congress isn’t being kept abreast of potential threats. This coming from the guy known for leaking classified information! He recently tipped off a radical cleric that he was under surveillance after the Fort Hood shootings. His showboating noted that the man’s email was being read by U.S. intelligence agencies. The CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the White House — nobody else had reported this cleric was e-mailing Major Malik Nadal Hasan. Good ol’ Pete let him know though. Idiot, and he’s the ranking Republican on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Hey Pete, if they're really not sharing, it's probably because of you!
This morning Rep. Peter King (R-NY), and Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), got into a disagreement on CBS' "Face The Nation." King wants Obama out there telling people to be scared and feel threatened. He wants our President reminding people how deadly this enemy is. Clyburn, who I agree with on this subject countered with:
"I think that the president, in his response, is doing exactly as he should do, I think that in so many instances these terrorists get more benefit from the reaction they cause than from the action they take. And so I believe that for the president to be very measured in reactions -- in his reactions, not elevating this thing to the point that it would be satisfactory to terrorists, is exactly the way to do it."Right on Mr. Clyburn!
The real irony for me is changing our way of life by living in fear is exactly what the terrorists want, and it’s what conservatives are gift-wrapping for them! It cracks me up that the conservatives who act like the tough guys are actually the scaredy cats! The supposedly wimpy liberals in NY, D.C., Boston, Chicago, LA - the places most likely to be targeted because of their financial, political and cultural importance, are generally the most rational and calm. Thumbing your nose at radicals by acting in a 'business as usual' state instead of succumbing to threats and cowering in fear will dampen their goals. I’m dumbfounded as to why someone in Alabama or South Carolina or any other Hee Haw state who's scared of terrorists should be. The blue states with the most to lose have people willing to stand up to these criminals. Who really has the backbone? I've been critical and disappointed with some of Obama's other decisions thus far, but at this critical time I'm thankful for a calm leader. I'm grateful McPalin are not in charge. This is time for cool reflection, not immediate reaction. Thank you President Obama.
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